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A Message From Will Spencer About the Holocaust

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - John 8:32 | May we all pass from German shadows to Gospel light.

NOTE: This is the introductory monologue to my episode, “Hitler Was Not a Christian” with Dr. Mark Musser.

Watch and listen to the interview here:


We today live in the shadow of the Holocaust. It is the singular historical event that defines our modern Western world—including global politics, culture, economics, and much more.

The Holocaust is also the root of the Post-War consensus, whose chief message about the first half of the 20th century was, “Never again.” As in, the horrors of the 1900’s through the 1940’s could never be repeated. No effort would be spared worldwide to prevent it. And though a great deal happened during those decades, the signature event that could not, must not be repeated was not war, famine, or depression, but genocide in the Holocaust.

If you are wondering why America is involved in the Middle East and sends billions of dollars in military and other aid to Israel, the reasoning can be traced back to the Holocaust.

If you’re wondering why it’s impossible to notice Jewish influence, good or bad, on any part of American and Western society, the reasoning can also be traced back to the Holocaust.

If you’re wondering why you, as a man, are not taught to stand up straight and be proud of your masculinity, ethnicity, or nation, it’s because after being called a racist and a sexist, you’ll be called a Nazi. Why does that matter? Because of the Holocaust.

That’s right. You as a man cannot be proud of your masculinity because, in part, masculinity leads to the Holocaust, and the Holocaust can never be allowed to happen again. So masculinity cannot be allowed to happen again.

In case you disagree with that, in the massively influential 1963 feminist classic, The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan used the Holocaust specifically as a metaphor to attack the family.

She titled chapter 12 of her book, Progressive Dehumanization: The Comfortable Concentration Camp. In it she wrote: "the women who 'adjust' as housewives, who grow up wanting to be 'just a housewife,' are in as much danger as the millions who walked to their own death in the concentration camps...”

We see a similar dynamic play out today day on the news and in social media. Even Jordan Peterson, the skinny, mild mannered Canadian professor, was attacked using this reasoning way back in 2017. The full logic goes like this:

Traditional masculinity—including the family and the household—means fascism. Fascism means Nazism. Nazism means the Holocaust. And the Holocaust can never be allowed to happen again. So traditional masculinity cannot be allowed to happen again.

It’s more complicated than this in many ways, of course, but often to the liberal media it is that simple.

So perhaps in this you can see that, to some extent, the Holocaust also defines our political dialogue. To be on the political left is by definition to accept that the Holocaust happened exactly as the mainstream narrative, including Hollywood, said it did, including the motivations of the Nazis, and more.

And increasingly, to be on the political right means either questioning the Holocaust narrative, or doubting that the Holocaust happened at all.

Thus, even our politics uses the perspective on THIS event as a Shibboleth to determine which side you’re on.

If you’re on the left, you must accept it as is. If you’re at many points on the right, you must doubt it.

I think this is insane, but it is what it is.

Now as you’ve heard me say many times, I grew up Jewish. Both my grandfathers were Jewish men who served during world war 2. My grandfather David on my mom’s side was US Army Airborne behind enemy lines in Germany. My grandfather Martin on my dad’s side was a US Army engineer stateside.

My aunt, one of my mother’s sisters, married my uncle whose parents escaped Germany during World War 2. And though my uncle is now passed away I heard him say once that he lost extended family members in the Holocaust, which is one of many reasons why he was an avowed atheist. And in the Jewish community, my uncle was far from alone.

So this historical event loomed large in my upbringing and family, too. Thus if I understand the rules of the woke game, my Jewish upbringing gives me the right to both investigate and talk about this.

I regard those rules as a bogus form of ethnic gnosticism, to borrow Voddie Baucham’s excellent phrase, but nonetheless, for those who want to play by them, there it is.

And if you want me to prove my Jewish bona fides, you can listen to an audio recording of 13 year old me singing in 10 Commandments in Hebrew at my Bar Mitzvah. Or we can do things the easy way, and you can take my word for it.

So with that in mind, there are three essential questions related to the Holocaust that I’d like to now address:

1. What happened?

2. Why did it happen?

3. What are we supposed to do about it?

Of course, I’m also aware that there’s a preliminary 4th question lurking around these three. And that question is:

Did it happen at all?

Now, I’ve been on the Internet a long time. I got my first 2400 baud modem when I was 13 years old. For those who don’t know what a 2400 baud modem is, it was a stone-age version of connecting to the Internet via the phone lines. As in no one else could use the household phone while you were on the Internet. And long before cell phones, everyone in the home—mom, dad, and kids—shared one line. It was a simpler time.

A 2400 baud modem transmitted data at 2,400 bits per second. For reference how far we’ve come since then, my gigabit ethernet connection right now transmits one BILLION bits per second. And it does so through the air.

For 10 years I also navigated through what I called the Deep New Age. This is the world beneath crystals, astrology, yoga, ayahuasca, and all that. Those are the WHAT. The Deep New Age asks why.

So I’ve investigated every conspiracy from Annunaki to Tartaria, MK Ultra to Qanon, Zeta Reticuli Reptilians, 440 vs. 432HZ music, the USS Liberty, the Council on Foreign Relations, Holonomic Consciousness, the Alien bases on the far side of the Hollow Moon, Vertigo Politix videos, and more.

Naturally, I have also come across the question of Holocaust Revisionism and Denial, as I know many of my listeners today have, as well.

In fact, due to widespread anger AT and hatred OF the Jews that is now allowed to propagate across Elon twitter, it has become fashionable in certain sectors of the right today to challenge the historicity of the Holocaust. I saw at least one meme about it just today while I was writing this.

This questioning is not new. Holocaust denial and revisionism have been around, in various forms, since at least the 1950’s. And you can’t use the Internet as long as I have, and navigate through the worlds that I have, without encountering it.

As far as I can tell, this is another way the Holocaust is unique. It is one of only three events that I can think of where people openly challenge whether it happened or not. Another one is the Moon Landing. And the third is the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Naturally, the Moon Landing is not quite like the other two in terms of its moral significance. But those are the only three events that I can think of where people are allowed, more or less, to doubt whether or not they happened.

OK, now this is the part that I need many if not all of you to listen to very closely. This podcast interview will not make sense to you, and will not have the impact it needs to, unless you hear what I’m about to say:

For as long as I’ve been using the Internet the following has been my position: it is completely fair to doubt whether any of these events have happened in the ways that we’re told. I have long felt that personally, it’s OK and perhaps even encouraged to doubt any mainstream narrative.

BUT, the second I want to take a position on what DID happen, I am obligated to try and prove myself wrong. That completes the process of inquiry, and I believe is what true intellectual honesty looks like: to doubt myself as much as I doubt others, if not more.

Because if others are proficient at lying to us, we are also quite proficient at lying to ourselves.

So if I want to say that the Moon Landing did not happen, that is making a claim that can be tested. I can seek incontrovertible evidence that it did.

And I believe that before I make a positive historical claim, I MUST in good faith search out contradictory evidence, if it exists.

The same is true with Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. In fact, that’s what the book “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel is about. One man, an atheist, sought to prove that Christ didn’t exist, by questioning the best experts he could find. He subjected his thesis to scrutiny. And lo and behold, Strobel got his mind changed by discovering the truth.

This reasoning must also apply to the Holocaust. So, if you want to claim that the Holocaust did not happen, never existed, was a lie fabricated by the winners of World War 2 to defame the memory of the losers: that is a historical claim that can be tested.

And so, I have compiled a list full of evidence to test Holocaust denialism against.

If you are a listener who doubts the existence of the Holocaust, it is VITAL that you engage with that evidence BEFORE listening to this episode.

I’ve compiled on my Substack, free for everyone, a collection of resources including web links, books, Twitter accounts, and videos that rely on historical documents from the Nazis to prove what happened.

It turns out that Hitler and the National Socialists are the most heavily documented human movement in history. In meticulous German style, they wrote down everything and provided mountains of evidence about themselves. Whole libraries of books have been written about them, using their own words and records.

Naturally, I don’t expect you to review every single resource, unless you want to. And then by all means go ahead and master the material. We need more information soldiers like you.

But if you only have time for ONE, then this is what I need you do:

At the top of that article I’ve linked a video discussion on Rumble between two men, Brandon Martinez and David Cole. Brandon Martinez is a self-described ethno-nationalist. He says on the video that he’s “on team white” and repeatedly emphasizes how much he questions Jewish power. Apparently he’s even been banned from Twitter, and I have no idea why. But I can probably imagine.

David Cole is the maker of one of the most infamous Holocaust revision videos of all time, which questioned the existence of the Auschwitz gas chambers back in the early 1990s. So he’s been at the game longer than many of us have been alive.

In their two-hour discussion, Brandon and David confirm, that’s right CONFIRM, the historical reality of the Holocaust, debunking common denialist challenges including about swimming pools, wooden doors, reconstructed camps, math equations, crematoriums, explosive pesticides, plus the claims of Fred Leuchter, David Irving, and more.

In those 2 hours they respond in clear speech to every Holocaust denial meme I’ve ever heard, and more, listing men I’ve never heard of who made anti-Holocaust documentaries I don’t know, and who then recanted.

Martinez and Cole also go over the devastating census evidence that the revisionists, deniers, and the mainstream all agree on, and that should make all the case you need it to that the Holocaust happened, beyond a reasonable doubt.

Brandon then spends the last hour after Cole signs off responding to other questioners and trolls in the live chat, establishing his ethnonationlist credentials. So if you think he’s Mossad or CIA whatever, you can take it up with him.

I am providing this video for information purposes only. I am not commending to you either of their work. But whatever differences in worldview or theology I may have with Martinez or Cole, I respect their unwavering commitment to the truth.

That video is three hours long. So if you are at all tempted to doubt the existence of the Holocaust—the systematic German execution of Jews and others—stop listening to this podcast now and go listen to Martinez and Cole first. Nothing I or my guest have to say will make sense unless you do.

I’ve put the video direct on my Substack in case it disappears from Rumble. All credit to Brandon Martinez.

As I’ve mentioned, on the same page with the video you can find a list of several books I’ve found that also reinforce the historicity of the Holocaust, using contemporaneous documents.

For the record, the first book about the Holocaust “The Final Solution” was written and published in 1953, by Gerald Reitlinger. It is more than 600 pages long.

The definitive history of the National Socialists and Hitler is called “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” by William Shirer, and it was published in 1961. That book is 1,300 pages long.

I also want to mention the book “The Hiding Place” by Corrie ten Boom. This firsthand account was written by a Christian woman who evangelized Jews in the Ravensbruck camp. The book has 20,000 reviews on Amazon, with a 5-star rating. It’s apparently legendary in evangelical Christian circles. Now Jewish culture is usually good at sharing firsthand Holocaust accounts, but I’d never heard of The Hiding Place. I asked my dad, and neither had he. I found that very provocative, so I look forward to reading it.

On the list you’ll also find “The Pink Swastika” an account of the heavy influence of homosexuality on the Nazi Party, and “Hitler’s Furies” about German women who participated in mass murder.

I’ve included several books about the influence of the occult on National Socialism including “Hitler’s Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich” and “Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult” which features a forward by none other than the famous author Norman Mailer.

And just for good measure, on the list you’ll find “Into That Darkness”, a book that tells the story of Fritz Stangl who was the unrepentant commandant of the death camp Treblinka, “The Good Old Days”, a collection of personal documents including photographs, diaries, letters, and confidential reports created by participants and observers of the Holocaust, and even “Warrant for Genocide” a 300 page book about the origins of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

These are just a few of the titles I’ve listed.

Again, if you want make historical claims based on more than a couple YouTube videos and memes, it pays to do your research.

I’ve included other videos on the page that speak to the character of Hitler and the Nazis, web links to crucial historical documents featured on a very thorough blog called Holocaust Controversies, an excellent Twitter account to follow on the subject who says his DMs are open if you have questions, and much more.

You are now charged to undertake this journey of discovery and perhaps unlearning on your own. If you refuse to engage with the hard evidence because you are not willing to challenge your biases, your understanding of history, OR your ideology, that’s on you.

But for what it’s worth, if you listen to this podcast, I think you’re more than capable of finding the truth.

We’ll be here when you get back.

For the rest of us, I say all this for two reasons. First, because again, what my guest and I talk about this week won’t make sense unless we can all agree on some historical fundamentals first. I’m making sure we’re all on the same page before I approach the subject matter.

But second, and most importantly, I desperately want my civilization to no longer live in the shadow of the Holocaust. There is one, and only one event in history we should all be living in view of, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. But that doesn’t cast a shadow, rather a light.

And for whatever reason our civilization today cannot or will not see that light, in part because we’re still standing in the Holocaust’s shadow. It actually requires quite a bit of force to hold us there.

And my hope is that this episode will help change that, moving us all forward into a future defined by the light of the empty tomb in 33AD, rather than the darkness of Germany in the 1940’s.

To me, that is what it means to hold a true Biblical world view, and would represent genuine civilizational progress at this moment in history. But I know it won’t happen without a fight.

OK, let’s return to the original three questions about the Holocaust:

1. What happened

2. Why did it happen

3. What are we supposed to do about it.

Because now that I’ve made the right wing angry, it’s time to make the left wing angry, too.

Culture has provided answers to those three questions that, at least from my upbringing, sound a little bit like this:

1. What happened was a once-in-history, one-of-a-kind, sui generis event where an educated and wealthy European nation, Germany, systematically genocided the Jews and others using ruthless technological precision

2. It happened due to the Germans being racists, hating the Jews for their financial successes and influence weakening the once-proud German race. The Holocaust was also the outcome of centuries of unchecked Christian pogroms against the Jews, culminating in a sort of mega-pogrom that only a Christian nation was capable of, due to their desire for revenge against the Jews for the crucifixion of Christ.

3. What we need to do about it is do away with Christianity, masculinity, and nationalism, just for a start. And then let the Jews basically do whatever they want because criticism is no different from mass murder.

I think that sums it up, right? I grew up hearing some version of this narrative, especially that Germany and Hitler were somehow equated with Christianity. And I know for a fact that linkage, though never stated, is what keeps many Jews from converting to Christianity.

If you read the book “Betrayed!” by Stan Telchin, who became a Christian evangelist after his conversion from Judaism, you’ll see that same logic reflected in his thought process, as well.

I knew as a kid that I could be anything I wanted, just not Christian. Why? Because Christianity was somehow responsible for the Holocaust.

That was and is the common left wing belief, within Jews as well, even today.

But something funny has been happening lately. This belief has also been adopted by the right wing, but as a good thing.

I’m grateful for Elon Twitter and the free speech that he allows. AND, since he took over, Jew hatred has gone viral almost up to the mainstream. And many on the extreme right have also adopted this narrative that Hitler was a Christian, except even moreso. Because they say in fact he was the Christian Prince, an example of Christian nationalism.

It’s baffling. Especially because, if true, that claim legitimizes everything the Jews have thought about Christians going back 80 years.

If Hitler really was a Christian, and really was the Christian prince, AND—as the evidence shows—the Holocaust really did happen, then wouldn’t Jews be absolutely correct in doing everything they have done since the 1940’s? Does any group NOT have the right to defend itself against mass slaughter? If Jews don’t fight with weapons, are they allowed to fight within institutions, which are far more powerful, instead?

I would say so. Which is why the claim that Hitler was the Christian Prince is literally self-defeating for Christian men and can only be sustained in an environment where the Holocaust didn’t happen.

But if the evidence from revisionists, ethnonationlists, and other researches on your team proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the Holocaust DID happen, which it absolutely does if you’re brave and intelligent enough to look at it... then only the claim of Hitler, the National Socialists, and Germany being Christian remains for us to examine, in order to demolish this poisonous idea forever.

So guess what?

Hitler wasn’t a Christian.

Neither were the National Socialists, and neither was Germany in the first half of the 20th century. In fact, far from it.

Which brings me to my guest this week. His name is Dr. Mark Musser, and he’s a husband, father, missionary to the former Soviet Union, where in fact he is today, and the author of one of the most mind-changing books I’ve read in the past year, “Nazi Ecology: The Oak Sacrifice of the Judeo Christian Worldview in the Holocaust.”

Christian researcher and lecturer Carl Teichrib, author of Game of Gods, recommended this book to me towards the end of 2023, and for some unknown reason I felt compelled to read it, which I did this past spring.

“Nazi Ecology” is a 500-page scholarly work. It is dense, written in an academic no-nonsense style, with more than 1600 citations and a 15 page bibliography. It took Dr. Musser 10 years to research and write, and frankly it’s more like a textbook than anything I’ve read in a long time. It’s more suited for careful study than casual reading.

And Dr. Musser’s book is about one thing:

What did the Hitler and the National Socialists really believe?

Because again the general public has been told, often in not so many words, that Hitler and the National Socialists were associated somehow with Christianity. That they hated the Jews due to racism. That the Holocaust was a work of mechanized, industrialized precision.

And that National Socialist Germany was the result of a lethal combination of masculinity, nationalism, and unbridled industrial capitalism, fused with an ideology based on ethnic superiority.

That is more or less the story all of us have heard.

And as it turns out, almost NONE of it is true. And the bits of that story that are true did not go down at all in the way that we’ve been told.

That is what Dr. Musser’s book is about, not merely accepting what history and mass media has said about what the National Socialists believed. Instead, he dug into the works of their most influential philosophers, scientists, artists, and their own writings and speeches.

Dr. Musser charted the intellectual course of Germany from the 1700’s right up until the 1940’s, and demonstrated how it wasn’t Christianity that drove the National Socialist worldview.

Rather it was the slow decline and erosion of Christianity that allowed it.

The National Socialists actually embodied beliefs that are hard for us to understand today, using modern left/right categories. That’s why Dr. Musser’s book was so mind-changing for me.

The environmental, philosophical, and theological leanings of the minds behind National Socialism were clearly on the left: explicitly embracing all-is-one, all-is-god pantheism and monism, flavored with occultism, with an emphasis on the value of feelings and a pure hatred for the Creation order laid out in the Bible, specifically the Dominion Mandate in Genesis 1:28:

“And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

The philosophers who informed the National Socialist worldview hated that perspective on nature, in their own words, for decades if not centuries.

And THAT is the real reason they hated the Jews, because as they believed, the Hebrew Bible’s perspective on the dominion of nature in Genesis did not align with their Naturalistic, pagan perspectives that instead held human beings as just one link in a grand ecological chain.

This is all documented in detail in Dr. Musser’s book. I invite you to read their words for yourself.

That’s the “Judeo-“ half of the Judeo-Christian in Dr. Musser’s subtitle.

The national socialists and their progenitors hated the Jews long before the degeneracy of Weimar, as documented in their own words by the conductor Wagner, the author Goethe, the philosophers Nietzche, Hegel, Kant, Heidegger, and Schopenhauer; also Dietrich Eckert, to whom Adolf Hitler dedicated Mein Kampf, Walter Darre, Guido Von Liszt, Ernst Haeckel, the Wandervogels, the Artamanens, and many more.

Direct quotes from all these men and countless others dating well into the 1800’s, seething with hatred for the Jews over the Dominion Mandate specifically can be found on almost every page of Dr. Musser’s book.

For this reason, the National Socialists also hated Christianity. Because they regarded it as an internationalized version of Judaism, and a religion which was alien to the German people, the so-called volk.

And anyone who’s spent ANY time on Twitter today and interacted with a few big anti-Christian accounts has heard those men say the exact same thing. Because that is what the National Socialists believed, that Christianity was merely internationalized Judaism.

Anything else the National Socialists may have said in public and in speeches was political posturing, especially because Hitler’s coalition was not as stable as it seemed. On the book list I’ve included a link to “Hitler’s Compromises: Coercion and Consensus in Nazi Germany” by Nathan Stolfuz, a 430 page book, and “Hitler’s Cross: How the Cross Was Used to Promote the Nazi Agenda” by Erwin Lutzer, a 250-page book.

Because much like America today, Germany had its own form of empty “cultural” Christianity, that still demanded lip service be paid to it.

Instead, it was faithful, Bible-believing Christians who put up the most forceful resistance out of the entire German population, which Dr. Musser and I talk about in this podcast as well.

Seen this way, the Holocaust was definitely not something that happened one day, for no reason at all. Except it didn’t originate in the 1930’s or even the 1920’s or 1910’s.

It was a philosophical, ecological, theological snowball that began gathering speed in the 1700’s. And once Germany became increasingly unmoored from its biblical foundations, the Holocaust became a near inevitability once the opportunity presented itself, which happened in the 20th century.

This is what Dr. Musser has documented in black and white, 500 pages with a 15 page bibliography and Scripture verses throughout. It’s all there for you to read yourself.

As they say, the truth fears no investigation. So if you think you’ve already got the truth about the National Socialists, you’d better get investigating and put your worldview to the test.

And I might add if you’re still unconvinced that the National Socialists weren’t Christian after hearing this interview and reading Dr. Musser’s book, I’ve recently finished another book called “Black Sun” by Nicolas Goodrick-Clarke that documents Neo Nazi movements going back to the 1950’s right up until 2001, when Black Sun was written.

This is another dense, scholarly work, published by NYU Press, totaling 300 pages. It too has hundreds of citations, including to original works in German, which I guess the author knew how to read.

In Goodrick-Clarke’s book, I challenge you to examine the fruits of Neo Nazism in the works and words of men like Lincoln Rockwell, William Pierce, Colin Jordan, Miguel Serrano, William Landig, Varg Vikernes, David Myatt, Jost Turner, and even the man who wrote the 14 words himself, David Lane.

Somehow all of these men, some of whom worshipped Hitler as a literal incarnation of a god, missed his very obvious Christian faith.

Or maybe it wasn’t there to begin with.

And by the way, Adolf Hitler did not consider himself the savior of the “white race.” One need only look up his treatment and opinion of the Slavs to see the truth of that. The National Socialists regarded the Slavs as subhuman, and that is why they invaded eastward, to take Slavic lands for Lebensraum, or breathing room.

So for you Hitler fans who are passport bros looking at Eastern Europe for a bride, I’m sorry to tell you, but you’re gonna have to pick a side.

The idea that Hitler cared about a pan-Aryan white race was invented by a Greek woman, two decades after Hitler’s death. Her name was Maximiani Julia Portas, but she’s better known by her Hindu name Savitri Devi. Look it up.

So now we’ve covered a lot of ground: who Hitler and the National Socialists were and weren’t. The right wing is probably mad because I challenged their heroic idol and have offered evidence that their historical beliefs are false.

But this will also make the left-wing mad, because Hitler is also their idol. Only to them he’s not a Christian hero, rather a quasi-Christian villain.

But as I’ve said, Hitler and the National Socialists weren’t Christian at all. The Holocaust had nothing to do with Christianity.

Instead, the Holocaust is what happens when a wealthy, educated, militarily-powerful nation abandons Christianity, except a bare bit of lip service to orthodoxy and a shallow husk of orthopraxy.

So, remember my three questions?

1. What happened

2. Why

3. And what are we supposed to do about it?

Having read Dr. Musser’s book, the following appears to be a far more accurate narrative.

A radical LEFTIST, pagan ideology seized power and used RIGHT WING technological and nationalistic tools to cleanse their precious natural environment of a polluting infestation, the Jews.

It wasn’t done with mechanical precision, rather haphazardly, brutally, and savagely, and at the cost of their own war effort. Then they tried to erase the evidence of their crimes, particularly the Action Reinhard camps.

And in the end the National Socialists were what they said they were: socialists and hyper-nationalists, ideologically unable to use the tools of capitalism and trade agreements with a world they considered hostile, due to Jewish influence.

Hitler and the National Socialists thus isolated themselves, overreached, and crumbled.

Because they were pagan ideologues not master tacticians or strategists.

So while the Holocaust did happen, what actually happened is not what we’ve been told, nor why. The truth is very different, and relevant to us today.

Which is why leftist scholars for decades have been trying to scrub their connections to the Nazi regime, a sanitation job which is much harder than it seems.

Especially because the word “ecology” was coined in 1866 by a German naturalist named Ernst Haeckel, who wrote a letter of congratulations to Charles Darwin on Darwin’s 70th birthday saying Darwin had, “shown man his place in nature, and therefore was overthrowing the anthropocentric fable.”

That’s right, the German man who invented the very word “ecology”—and whose 1899 book The Riddle of the Universe outsold the Bible internationally at the time—celebrated Darwin’s dethroning of man as the center of creation.

If that perspective sounds familiar today, in our age of climate change driven propaganda, it should. Because it’s the same perspective.

So as I’ve said, the left is also invited to read Dr. Musser’s book. I commend to them especially the section about Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger. Those star-crossed lovers, a Jew and a former card-carrying Nazi, respectively, go a long way towards explaining why we think about Germany the way we do, rather than the truth.

You might be wondering why this matters. Why all the effort, Will? What’s going on?

As I said earlier, I want our civilization to move beyond the shadow of the Holocaust into whatever next phase awaits us, living in the light of Christ. But the only way we can do that is shining light into the shadow, the light of truth.

We as a civilization cannot move beyond the Holocaust unless we understand what happened and why. We have been fed lies from both the extreme left AND the extreme right, which fracture Hitler and the National Socialists’ true beliefs into two parts, which we need to reassemble to see the truth.

So here it is that truth again:

The National Socialists used right wing tools of nationalism, technology, and corrupted masculinity to enact a left-wing agenda of pagan environmentalism with humanity as supporting characters in a religion of nature worship.

Let me say that again, more slowly...

The National Socialists used right wing tools to enact a left-wing agenda. They were pagan environmentalists who believed that humanity was just a part of nature, rather than the head and stewards of it.

As they say, however, the devil is in the derails: because in the realm of humanity, the Germans believed themselves the superior race due to their connection to their superior land, a spiritual doctrine they called “blood and soil.”

Think of it this way, if humans were just part of nature, the best nature made for the best humans. That’s what the Germans believed they had, and that is what actually fueled the Social Darwinist, genocidal ambitions of the so-called master race.

Idolatry: it’ll get ya every time. There’s a book about it.

To bring us up to date, the extreme left wing has adopted the Nazi’s pagan environmentalism. And the extreme right wing has adopted the Nazi’s hypernationalism and twisted masculinity. The beliefs of National Socialist Germany have been shattered into two parts, that have taken on destructive identities of their own.

But the synthesis of those beliefs was only made possible in the first place by the removal of the Gospel, the spiritual heart of pre-National Socialist Germany.

Because when you pull Christ out of a wealthy, educated, industrial culture, you get chaos.

Which is why I believe the historical evidence in Dr. Musser’s book shows conclusively we are at a similar risk in America today: from both Left-wing environmental fascism, and Right-wing racial fascism.

Both are deeply wicked, and BOTH are pointing us towards different Holocausts. The extreme left wants to eradicate the pollution of human life on Earth. Humans are a “cancer” on the planet, as Agent Smith in the Matrix said. The left really believes that. And they got the idea direct from National Socialist Germany. We probably have the Project Paperclip scientists to thank for that, and the Nazi leadership that established the United Nations.

Meanwhile the extreme right wing increasingly wants to eradicate the Jews from the planet. That drum beat is growing through major influencers like Candace Owens, Kanye West, the Tate brothers, and even Dan Bilzerian, along with the perennial idea that if we murder the Jews it will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. Naturally it doesn’t end with the Jews either.

Do you see? Both the left and the right are projecting their millennarian visions of utopia, claiming slaughter as the way to get there.

In other words, if we just kill the right people, we’ll have peace.

I’m not surprised the secular world of left or right would think such things.

But that men who call themselves Christians would propose the shedding of blood as the way to global redemption are advocating for a culture of death as surely as an abortionist.

While yes, military conquest, slaughter and death are featured all throughout the Old Testament, they find no support in the New.

So if a man wants to live in a shadow, let him live in the long shadow cast by the cross, the paradox of the crucified Lord of Glory.

The cross is the one true crossroads of all history that has a lesson for the extreme left, the extreme right, and all points in between.

And as with National Socialist Germany in the 1930’s and the United States a century later, the Gospel is the only way a wealthy, educated, militarily powerful nation blessed with God’s Word can and should know better.

In fact, I believe one can even make the case the the current state of Germany is God’s judgment for their faithlessness. The German intelligentsia, inheritors of Luther and Melancthon, abandoned Christianity for nature-worship in the 1800’s. This allowed the rise of the abomination of National Socialism, which was then put down.

If you find this hard to believe, consider this quote from George Orwell in his book On the Way:

“For two hundred years we had sawed and sawed and sawed at the branch we were sitting on. And in the end, much more suddenly than anyone had foreseen, our efforts were rewarded, and down we came. But unfortunately there had been a little mistake: the thing at the bottom was not a bed of roses after all; it was a cesspool of barbed wire. It appears that amputation of the soul isn’t just a simple surgical job, like having your appendix out. The wound has a tendency to go septic.”

When do you think he wrote these words? 1965? Maybe even the 1970’s?

Orwell wrote them in 1940, less than a year after Germany invaded Poland, starting world war 2. Orwell hadn’t yet seen Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Berlin, or Treblinka. And yet it was already obvious to him I’m what had happened in the West.

We can watch the amputation of Germany’s soul and resulting sepsis if we have the courage to look at Dr. Musser’s evidence, and confront the reality of the Holocaust and its causes.

We need the light of the empty tomb to shine on the darkness of National Socialist Germany. And there we will see Christianity’s true enemy revealed: the worship of the creation rather than the creator.

Then, and only then, do I believe we all have a chance to move past this historic crime and tragedy. The truth will reveal the wickedness of left and right that I pray the Holy Spirit will guide believers to walk safely between.

Dr. Musser’s evidence is there, if you want to see it. He is a friendly, accommodating, and faithful man, possessing a Master’s in Divinity, and Doctorate in Biblical Greek. Right now he is doing missionary work in a former Soviet state, at personal risk to himself and his family. He gave a decade to finding out the truth in Nazi Ecology, which was endorsed by Dr. Cal Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance who called it a “tour de force”, and then the book reached me.

If you’re inclined to believe Dr. Musser is just an outlier, as well, I’ve included on the Substack five books that support his conclusions:

First, “National Socialism and the Religion of Nature” by Robert Pois. That’s a rare used book that goes for more than $200 on Amazon. So you’d better start saving up.

Second, “Leftism from de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse” by Eric von Kushnelt-Leddin. This survey of leftism by a Christian polymath and world traveler who reads 20 language and speaks 8 of them is also rare and out of print, with used copies selling for more than $500. BUT, the Mises Institute has digitized it and made it free to the world in both PDF and Kindle on their website. I’ve included that link, as well.

Third, “How Green Were the Nazis? Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich” by Franz-Joseph Bruggemeier surveys the overlap of environmentalist and nationalist ideologies in National Socialist Germany.

Fourth, “The Green and the Brown: A History of Conservation in Nazi Germany” by Frank Uekoetter, is “a story of ideological convergence, of tactical alliances, of careerism, of implication in crimes against humanity, and of deceit and denial after 1945.”

Fifth and finally, “Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning” by Timothy Snyder, which was a Finalist for the UK’s 2015 Samuel Johnson Prize for the best non-fiction writing in the English language.

I meant what I said about the Nazi’s providing mountains of evidence of their thoughts, words, and actions. I hereby charge every man and woman who considers themselves an intellectual to read Dr. Musser’s book, and others I’ve listed, and decide about National Socialist Germany for yourselves.

In other words, be part of the reading class, not the meme class.

Then maybe, just maybe, we can change things in our lifetime, or God willing, our children’s.

On a personal note, I am no longer Jewish because I, as a man raised in that faith and culture, refused to live in the shadow of the Holocaust. I refused to be a victim of historical events that didn’t happen to me. I still refuse. I will always refuse. And so I stood up.

I challenge my Christian brothers and sisters to do the same, to stand in the light not cower in shadow, bearing aloft the Word of God into a desperately fallen world, in the name of the way, the truth, and the life, Jesus Christ.

Sharp minds may observe that there’s one final question I’ve haven’t addressed. What are we supposed to do about the reality of the Holocaust?

In this essay, I’ve already provided an answer to my Christian brothers and sisters, and to secular listeners as well.

I’d like now to offer my answer to the Jews. The following passage was written by Dr. Viktor Frankl in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning.” Frankl was a Jewish Austrian psychologist who spent three years in four German concentration camps, including Auschwitz.

I first read these words in 2017, long before I became a Christian. May they ring in the ears of those who have used “Never again” as a battle cry against those they have wrongfully deemed their persecutors:

*During this psychological phase [of liberation from Auschwitz] one observed that people with natures of a more primitive kind could not escape the influences of the brutality which had surrounded them in camp life. Now, being free, they thought they could use their freedom licentiously and ruthlessly. The only thing that had changed for them was that they were now the oppressors instead of the oppressed. They became instigators, not objects, of willful force and injustice. They justified their behavior by their own terrible experiences. This was often revealed in apparently insignificant events. A friend was walking across a field with me toward the camp when suddenly we came to a field of green crops. Automatically, I avoided it, but he drew his arm through mine and dragged me through it. I stammered something about not treading down the young crops. He became annoyed, gave me an angry look, and shouted, “You don’t say! And hasn’t enough been taken from us? My wife and child have been gassed – not to mention everything else – and you would forbid me to tread on a few stalks of oats!” Only slowly could these men be guided back to the commonplace truth that no one has the right to do wrong, not even if wrong has been done to them. We had to strive to lead them back to this truth, or the consequences would have been much worse than the loss of a few thousand stalks of oats.*

This, my Christian brothers and sisters, is why the Jews need the Gospel, as well.

And apparently today, so do many angry young men calling themselves Christians.

But maybe rather than hearing those ideas in the words of a Jewish psychologist, they’d rightfully prefer the Words of Jesus Christ who said the following in the Gospel of Luke chapter 6:

*“But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.*

*“If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.*

*“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”*

Argue with these words all you want, but in them I can find no justification for genocide.

So I close with a word of pleading to those rageful young Christian men, and the adults who are around them listening:

Please abandon Hitlerism, Christian or otherwise, and do it now. Hitler wasn’t the crucified savior of the white race. God judged Germany for its faithlessness and has continued to.

Yes we were lied to about the Holocaust. But not about the means, or the opportunity, rather the motive: which was to extinguish the light of God’s created order, and worship the divinity of nature instead of God the Father. The true story was then covered up to enable the same ends on a global scale.

Now if that doesn’t sound like socialism I don’t know what does.

Besides, genocides have been committed in and by the United States, China, Japan, Russia, Australia, Rwanda, Darfur, Bosnia, Cambodia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and the tribes of South America, North America, and Africa. That’s a short list. Many of these were in the 20th century alone. There’s no reason why Germany should be any different from the worldwide historical norm, just because of their skin color.

Now, your anger at the state of the West and its future is legitimate. I empathize. However, that anger is being fashioned into a political weapon no different from how young women’s anger was fashioned into the weapon of feminism.

In other words, you are being used.

If you don’t believe me, earlier I recommended the book “Black Sun” by Nicolas Goodrick-Clarke, about Neo Nazi movements in the 20th century. The first 50 pages are free on Amazon. You can read them in a web browser or on your phone.

In them, you will see reflected in the mid-20th century the exact same anxieties about immigration, the family, and the economy that you are feeling today, promoted by shrewd men to manipulate angry men into long-forgotten social movements. Again, this dates back to the 1950’s in the United States, England, and Europe. It’s not a new game.

These movements built nothing, they only destroyed. Including the lives of the men and women who participated.

Go and read it for yourself.

The enemies of Christ don’t care how they take his people down, whether by the world, the flesh, or the Devil. Hebrews 12 warns us:

“Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled;”

Brothers, I urge you to rip that root out. And pastors, it is your job to help them, not let them plant roots within you, instead.

Because as as the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Galatia:

“Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”

Mercy, long-suffering, kindness, gentleness, loving your enemies, and blessing those who curse you aren’t cool or based, but they are Christian. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways, no matter what time it is. And if pastors aren’t tempering young men’s sinful flesh with saving and regenerating faith, the peace of God that passes understanding. then they are failing in their calling.

Instead, they’re trying to be men’s friends, their cool buddies rather than their spiritual fathers. But last I checked, we don’t have a crisis of friendship hunger, we have a generational crisis of father hunger. A father famine, actually. Orphaned sons are asking for bread and fish, and instead they’re handed serpents and stones.

This is not leadership. It’s a mistake.

I’ll conclude with this. I can hear many men asking, “But Will, what about Jewish influence?” I grant the point that Jews do occupy an outsize number of positions of power and influence, relative to their population size. Obviously.

But here’s one thing no one ever says: that they’re incompetent. Because it’s not true. Jews may not be hyper-moral from biblical foundations, and in many cases, yes, their morality is explicitly anti-Biblical. But they are hyper-competent.

In fact, Jews, like Indian, Chinese, and Korean immigrants have family-driven cultures of elite-level competency.

Meanwhile, Anglo-Protestants in America have developed a tragic anti-intellectual tradition. In 1945, how many positions of elite power were held by faithful Anglo-Protestants? Compare that with today. It’s been just 80 years. What happened?

Protestantism gave up. Why and how that happened is a much longer conversation, but if you ask me, I think it relates to the forbidden fruit of Sexual Liberation.

Meanwhile, it is my sincere hope that once my fellow Christian men are done noticing Jewish influence, they’ll also ALSO notice the low expectations placed on them by their fathers, and the low expectations they place on their own sons and daughters, and perhaps even themselves.

When I was growing up, I didn’t go camping, hunt, or do anything outdoors. My dad worked on his career, and I on schoolwork. As a result, I was in honors trigonometry as a high school freshman, I received an 800 on my verbal SAT score, and got into Stanford university, praise God, which my dad was able to fund for me without taking on student debt, a kingly gift I honor him for regularly.

While Christian families are enjoying the great blessing of hospitality on weekends, children of immigrant families are taking a second or third language, mastering chess, or playing an instrument.

While white American college students are partying and fornicating to rap music in universities—or sent overseas on mission trips—immigrant kids are in the lab.

Children who perform at elite levels pay high costs in terms of time socializing. It’s expensive for parents, and kids too. It was for me.

But Christian parents or aspirational parents thinking about future generations, if you want your sons to lead an advanced technological society, you have to train their minds. That is just as hard as training the body, and just as painful, especially to succeed in hypercompetitive white collar professions.

So I encourage my Christian brothers and sisters to think about how they can start combining elite-level Biblical morality with elite level professional competency, initiating a multi-generational project to win their country and culture back via the meritocracy they claim to value, all to the glory of God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

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And please welcome this week’s guest on the podcast, a husband, father, missionary to the former Soviet Union, and author of “Nazi Ecology: The Oak Sacrifice of the Judeo Christian Worldview in the Holocaust,” Dr. Mark Musser.

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