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Erasing White America

Jeremy Carl is the courageous author of "The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart"

Jeremy Carl is a Senior Fellow of the Claremont Institute, a former official in the Trump administration, and the author of the book “The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart.”

In this episode, we discuss his new book, the journey he took in writing it, and his hopes for its impact.

Topics discussed:

  • His Jonah and the Whale Story of Writing

  • The Most Subversive Chapter in His Book

  • How India Shaped His Views on Race

  • The Invention of An Ethnicity

  • The Evil of White Progressives

  • Young White Men Flirting with Far Rightness

  • The Role of Asian Americans To Help

  • His Vision for the Success of the Book

For more about Jeremy Carl, please visit:

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Courage is in short supply these days, the true kind of courage that says aloud what must be said, regardless of the cost.

But let’s be clear about something: in these moments, how we say that courageous thing matters as much as the thing that is said. Because the truth is a sharp-edged blade, and if you’ve ever handled a blade, you know that it can do many things.

First, blades are used to separate this from that. You cut off one piece of the steak so you can eat it. Or you cut the wrapping paper to the appropriate size to make a gift. In language, we call this discernment, differentiation, or sometimes the very bad, evil word discrimination, when we discriminate between this and that.

But of course, that’s not all a blade can do, and perhaps not even the thing you think of first. A blade can be used to penetrate, to wound, to rend, and to kill, like a sword. And the sword itself doesn’t know the difference between friend and foe. That’s up to you.

The final thing a blade can do, however, is heal, like a scalpel. You cut open the skin gently, precisely, to facilitate the administration of medicine or release internal pressure.

It’s this final use of blades that represents more of the kind of courage we need today. Yes, of course, discernment and differentiation in language are key. And indeed, righteous combat in language is also needed.

But the wielding of a sharp blade for the purposes of healing, to draw blood intentionally but in a very precise and sensitive location, with delicacy and skill? That’s the kind of courage we desperately need today from more men.

Which brings me to my guest this week. His name is Jeremy Carl, and he’s a senior fellow at the conservative think tank, the Claremont Institute, a former official in the 2016 Trump administration, and the author of the book “The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart.”

Now, last I heard, anti-white racism was not a thing, right? It doesn’t exist. An oxymoron. An impossibility.

Well, naturally, we know it’s a thing. We see and increasingly feel it, especially since the Summer of Love in 2020 during the George Floyd riots. Except no one is allowed to say anything.

Well, thank God for Jeremy because he said something. Finally, someone had the courage to. But it’s not just what he said but HOW he said it that matters. Because he could have written a book in an academic tone, simply saying, “This is not that” and refraining from making a moral judgment in what he saw.

Or he could have written a polemic, swinging a sword wildly in the public square, shouting, as many men, anonymous or otherwise, do on social media.

But instead of those two ineffective approaches, Mr. Carl took his long years of writing and study and wrote his truth like a scalpel, making very precise cuts to relieve internal pressure.

Rather than writing as a statistician or a barbarian, he wrote like a surgeon, with the intent to inform, inspire, motivate, and heal.

Whether Mr. Carl were my guest on my podcast or not, I would still give this book my highest recommendation. Even if you don’t read about politics, I still think you should read this one. Because as they say, you may not be interested in politics, but politics is surely interested in you. Mr. Carl’s book “The Unprotected Class” will show you how that’s true and what you can begin to do about it for yourself, your children, and our future.

And since Mr. Carl is the guest on my podcast this week, you get to hear from him personally about all this and more.

In our conversation, we discussed:

  • His Jonah and the Whale story of writing

  • The most subversive chapter in his book

  • How India shaped his views on race

  • The invention of an ethnicity

  • The evil of white progressives

  • Young white men flirting with far-rightness

  • The role of Asian Americans to help

  • His vision for the success of the book

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And now, for a big announcement.

This podcast is about to enter into a season of changes. I’ve been working on them for a long time. And things are beginning to take shape.

In previous episodes, you may have heard me talk about a new Patreon account, but research revealed a better platform, Substack.

And so now I am thrilled to announce the new podcast Substack that is becoming a community home.

You can find that link in the show notes. And when you get there, you’ll discover that I’ve already posted THREE exclusive subscriber-only interviews that for now are available to paying subscribers only:

First, we have New York Times bestselling author Robb Wolf, one of the original proponents of the paleo diet.

Second, a 4 and a half hour episode with outspoken pastor and author of the Boniface Option, Andrew.

And third, a sit-down interview with the infamous public intellectual and historian, Dr. E. Michael Jones.

Substack will also be the home for a new series on the podcast called Will Spencer UNCENSORED, where I interview controversial figures that might get me canceled otherwise.

My aim will be to confront them when they need confronting, and show you a whole other side of my interviewing style.

These interviews will ONLY be available for paying subscribers. You won’t find them anywhere else.

Plus, paid subscribers will be able to preview sections of the new book I’m working on, take an early look at the podcast rebrand, get a link to join my free men’s Discord server, and much more.

I’d like you to be a part of all this and more. The new Substack is available to subscribers for $10/month, $100/year, or Founding Members can sign up for a $300 lifetime membership and get an exclusive piece of merchandise when the podcast rebrand goes live.

Ladies and gentlemen, the next few months are going to be exciting. I hope you’ll come along.

Visit and be a part of it now.

And please welcome this week’s guest on the podcast, the author of “The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart,” Jeremy Carl.

The Will Spencer Podcast
The Will Spencer Podcast