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The Wicked At War With Joy - FREE!

For his fourth appearance on the podcast, Pastor Doug Wilson discusses his new book "American Milk and Honey."

Hey everyone, and welcome my new subscribers to the Will Spencer Podcast Substack. I’m thrilled you’re here, because this is the start of something big.

As my gift to you to kick things off, please enjoy this advance version of my recent 75-minute interview with Pastor Doug Wilson.

The interview premiered on Twitter/X about a week ago and garnered 35,000 views, which is pretty cool considering how high-profile Pastor Wilson has become recently.

The interview will be out this week on all my main podcast platforms like Spotify/Apple and YouTube. That version will have my typical monologue intro.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for something to listen to during the long weekend, I hope you enjoy this conversation.

In it, Pastor Wilson and I discussed:

  • The Four Audiences of His Book “American Milk & Honey”

  • Dissident Right Anti-Jewish Sentiment

  • Young Men Impacted by Cultural Degeneracy

  • Evangelizing “The Jews”

  • Pastors Being Fatherly to Men and Discipling Women

  • The Impact of the Tucker & Charlie Kirk Interviews

  • Remaining A Local Pastor




Okay, y’all, we need to talk about the Jews. But more importantly than that, we need to talk about the people who talk about the Jews.

Because it seems to me that there’s a subset of men online who have made “talking about the Jews” a personality trait. That has always been a thing, probably since the internet was invented.

But it wasn’t until Elon Musk took over Twitter, or X as they keep trying to call it, that this underground discussion burst into the mainstream.

Now, to be very clear, I have no problem with free inquiry and discourse. I do not believe in taboos, and everything is on the table to be investigated. Because if we can question Christ rising from the dead and the empty tomb, the pivot point of all human history, then everything else is fair game as well.


For whatever reason, talking about the Jews drives men insane. Literally. There is something about the topic that draws men into a pit of emotional and spiritual blackness. I don’t understand why. My only explanation is that there’s something demonic about it, some form of witchcraft, a curse upon the land that makes men sick when they tread upon it.

Maybe it’s a bit like radiation: spend too long exposed to it, and it’ll weaken you. Overstay your welcome in a fallout zone like Chernobyl, and you’ll fall ill. Decide to set up camp there, and you’re probably never coming out.

I have seen this happen over and over again, including to men that I called friends. To some extent, it’s to be expected that men in the secular world will wander into dark backrooms of the internet and get ensnared. That’s how occultism, paganism, and all kinds of other sinfulness work. Why not this too? The way is narrow, as it’s written.

However, with the constraints on dialogue being taken off Twitter now, this radiation zone is being explored by more and more Christian men, and that creates a real and meaningful problem. It serves no one, least of all Christian men, to be pulled out of the ditch of modern passiveness only to drive into the ditch on the other side of the road, labeled outrage.

But that’s what’s happening. And so far too many Christian men are making “talking about the Jews” a personality trait, like beards or guns or tattoos. They’re swapping inaction for fury, undermining their lives, reputations, and sanity, and other Christians on the cultural battlefield as well.

What’s worse, they won’t be told no. They insist that if they just keep digging, they’ll get to the root of it all, and that they have the right and need to do so, even if it costs them everything.

And, well, I disagree. And I know I’m not the only one.

Which brings me to my guest this week. His name is Pastor Doug Wilson, and if you listen to this podcast, you probably already know who he is. But in case you don’t, he’s the pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, the founder of Canon Press and New St. Andrews School, and public enemy #1 for feminists and the woke folk in the evangelical church and beyond.

Pastor Wilson has been on a bit of a mission lately to expand the number of people who are mad at him for being, y’know, thoughtful. So he wrote the book "American Milk & Honey: Antisemitism, the Promise of Deuteronomy, and the True Israel of God," in order to speak into some of those sensitive issues that tend to get people riled up.

Now here’s the thing: in our new Twitter dialogue, Pastor Wilson went from being a hard-right extremist to a moderate basically overnight. When Elon took the constraints off Twitter, he opened up the doors for levels of right-wing’ness not previously thought possible. Call it an overcorrection after years of progressive leftist wokeness.

But remember what I said about driving from one ditch straight into the other, in the radioactive topic zone known as “the Jews”? That’s what happened with many Christian men. It got ugly and continues to be so. Throw in the October 7 Hamas attacks, Candace Owens getting fired from the Daily Wire for saying Christ is King, and the protests on college campuses, and the subject of said Jews became a nuclear wasteland that far too many men decided to go overnight camping in.

And in that moment, Pastor Wilson went from being a revered and paternal figure on the right to a blue-pilled Boomer who can’t be trusted, basically in the blink of an eye.

I watched this happen and found it comical. Because “the Jews” are a subject I know something about, having grown up Reform Jewish. And by the sheer grace of God today, I can say Jesus is Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

So again, Judaism and Jews are subjects I know something about. Therefore, I wanted to read what Pastor Wilson had to say about them. And I found his book to be one of the most thoughtful and hopeful books of his I’d read. A true post-millennial vision.

At the same time, I also wanted to give him a chance to respond to some of his critics, who have leveled critiques of him from places I understand, having been friends with men like that, for my part at least. And I wanted to learn more about how all this touches down in the homes, families, churches, and lives of men and women grappling with these explosive social issues creating a crackle of electricity in the air as well.

All in all, I regard this as one of my most important and certainly one of my best interviews because it’s relevant to us all.

In our conversation, Pastor Wilson and I discussed:

- Pre-Mil and Post-Mil Evangelicals
- Dissident Right Anti-Jewish Sentiment
- Young Men Impacted by Cultural Degeneracy
- The Need to Evangelize the Jews
- Pastors Being Fatherly for Men and Discipling Women
- Pastors Speaking Up with Awareness of the Risks
- The Impacts of the Tucker Carlson and Charlie Kirk Interviews

If you enjoy the Renaissance of Men Podcast, thank you. Please leave us a 5-star rating on Spotify and a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

If this is your first time here, welcome. I release new episodes about the Christian counterculture, masculine virtue, and the family every week.

And now, for a big announcement.

This podcast is about to enter into a season of changes. I’ve been working on them for a long time, and things are beginning to take shape.

In previous episodes, you may have heard me talk about a new Patreon account, but research revealed a better platform, Substack.

And so now I am thrilled to announce the new podcast Substack that is becoming a community home.

You can find that link in the show notes. And when you get there, you’ll discover that I’ve already posted THREE exclusive subscriber-only interviews that, for now, are available to paying subscribers only:

First, we have New York Times bestselling author Robb Wolf, one of the original proponents of the paleo diet.

Second, a four-and-a-half-hour episode with outspoken pastor and author of "The Boniface Option," Andrew.

And third, a sit-down interview with the infamous public intellectual and historian, Dr. E. Michael Jones.

Substack will also be the home for a new series on the podcast called "Will Spencer UNCENSORED," where I interview controversial figures that might get me canceled otherwise.

My aim will be to confront them when they need confronting and show you a whole other side of my interviewing style.

These interviews will ONLY be available for paying subscribers. You won’t find them anywhere else.

Plus, paid subscribers will be able to preview sections of the new book I’m working on, take an early look at the podcast rebrand, get a link to join my free men’s Discord server, and much more.

I’d like you to be a part of all this and more. The new Substack is available to subscribers for $10/month, $100/year, or Founding Members can sign up for a $300 lifetime membership and get an exclusive piece of merchandise when the podcast rebrand goes live.

Ladies and gentlemen, the next few months are going to be exciting. I hope you’ll come along.

Visit and be a part of it now.

And please welcome this week’s guest on the podcast, the author of "American Milk & Honey," Pastor Doug Wilson.

The Will Spencer Podcast
The Will Spencer Podcast