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Health and Rebellion

New York Times bestselling author Robb Wolf ("The Paleo Solution") shares his insights on the intersection of food, politics, and sovereignty.

Robb Wolf is the New York Times bestselling author of “The Paleo Solution” and “Why We Eat.” And like many of us, his whole world began to change in 2020 when the COVID insanity began.

We discuss his awakening to new realities about world events and more in this in-depth episode.

In this conversation we discussed:

  • His COVID awakening

  • The truths of great satire

  • Resilience and integrity

  • The advantages of the red meat approach

  • Metabolic health and metabolic disease

  • The science is never settled

  • Profiteering off lying to people

For more about Robb Wolf, please visit:




If you’re a longtime listener of this podcast, you’ve heard me say many times that in 2020, all the institutions of the world turned on humanity and collectively declared open war on the public.

But that was just when open war was declared. Quiet warfare has been waged for decades. And one of the chief battlefields is our bodies.

That war is being waged in two primary ways: first, through our food supply, and second, the medical system that “cares” for us once we succumb to the war being waged on our food supply.

It’s a vicious two-pronged trap, all the more deadly because it seems many can’t see the trap for what it is.

But a funny thing happens to those of us who do. It becomes a gateway through which we come to recognize the other forms of warfare being waged against us: like in education, government, and the dumbing down of media.

It shows up in our degraded public art, if you can even call it that. The declining length of our attention spans. And even in the quality of new science, which we call The Science, with a dollar sign instead of an S.

As soon as you see your waistline as a product of warfare being waged against you, your worldview shifts forever.

At that moment, you become a rebel against the system like your life depends on it. Because it does.

Which brings me to my guest this week. His name is Robb Wolf, and if you don’t immediately recognize his name, you surely know his work. With Dr. Loren Cordain, he helped popularize the Paleo Diet in 2010 with his first mega-hit book, The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet. That launched a wave of interest in ancestral eating, breathing new life into old ways of thinking about food.

He followed that up with two more books, Wired to Eat, which came out in 2017 and also became a New York Times bestseller, and most recently his book Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat: Why Well-Raised Meat Is Good for You and Good for the Planet, which came out in 2019.

Attentive listeners will probably see a pattern here, of expanding on and deepening a worldview which, unfortunately, has begun to take on political ramifications. Because ancestral eating defeats the first prong of the food/medical industrial complex trap. That means a loss of profits. That means politicians getting involved. That means a loss of freedom as political control is increased, which begins with censorship, disinformation, misinformation, and more.

And Robb, as a confident, accomplished, and very outspoken man, has found himself at the center of it. Which is why he’s no longer just talking about ancestral eating but sovereignty, including of food, monetary policy, and much more.

In a sense, this is a modern-day hero’s journey, one we’re all on to unlearn, learn, and rebuild before a potential collapse. It’s exciting, engaging, and humbling. And I think you’ll all enjoy hearing how your personal journey is reflected in the lives of men who have influenced us all.

This is also a special episode for me because I’ve been a big fan of Robb and his work for a long time. If 2010 me who first read The Paleo Solution could see me now... man, he’d be pretty stoked.

In this conversation, which I hope will be the first of many, Robb and I discussed:

  • His COVID awakening

  • The truths of great satire

  • Resilience and integrity

  • The advantages of the red meat approach

  • Metabolic health and metabolic disease

  • The science is never settled

  • Profiteering off lying to people

If you enjoy the Renaissance of Men podcast, thank you. Please leave us a 5-star rating on Spotify, plus a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Also, share this episode and another one of your favorites with a friend.

If you’re new here, I release in-depth conversations about Christian virtue, the culture wars, and the family every week.

And please welcome this week’s guest on the podcast. The author of The Paleo Solution, Wired to Eat, and Sacred Cow: The Case for Better Meat, and the co-host of Healthy Rebellion Radio, please welcome, Robb Wolf.

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