Defeating Holocaust Denialism - UPDATED
UPDATED Jan. 15 2025 - A collection of resources to refute a tide of ideologically-driven historical illiteracy.
“Nothing is more estimable than knowledge, for knowledge is the light of the rational soul. The opposite, which is ignorance, is darkness. Just as the absence of light is darkness, so is the absence of knowledge a darkness of reason. Now, ignorance is proper to irrational beings, while knowledge is proper to those who are rational.”
– John of Damascus, “The Fount of Knowledge”
This post accompanies my episode “Hitler Wasn’t a Christian” with Dr. R. Mark Musser.
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This post includes:
Book Recommendations
Web Links
Twitter Threads & Accounts
Video Resources
This is not an all-inclusive list. Libraries full of books and other resources are available.
Please keep scrolling to find what you’re looking for.
The truth fears no investigation.
If you wish to positively assert that the Holocaust didn’t happen and/or that Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists were regenerate Christian believers, I expect that you will have engaged with and mastered the below material in a spirit of intellectual honesty.
In other words, if you’re “just asking questions,” then prove it.
I did.
Cartoon from “Der Sturmer” magazine, dated December 1927.
Note the gas and the phrase “Die Juden” or “The Jews” at bottom. The caption reads: “When the vermin are dead, the German oak will flourish once more.”
More here:
This video debunks major claims made by Holocaust deniers on the Internet. It features David Cole, filmmaker of one of the first and most notorious Holocaust revisionist films about the authenticity of the Auschwitz gas chambers.
The Martinez Perspective (Aug. 16, 2023) | Interview: David Cole
The Dismantling of Corey Mahler | Not Our Guy - December 2024
Debunking Holocaust Denial | Javier Perdomo w/ Denying History - Dec. 2024
View the Google Slides of this Presentation by clicking here.
Rebutting the "Twitter denial": the most popular Holocaust denial memes debunked - 42 items with sources
More Than One Hundred Nazi Extermination Remarks, 1939-1944 (Full Chronological List) - with scans and sources
Nazi Document on Mass Extermination of Jews in Auschwitz-Birkenau: The Franke-Gricksch Report - with scan and original German text
Holocaust Controversies book - FREE PDF
Description: The motivation for the following work initially arose out of prior efforts to establish a formal debate between Revisionists and non-Revisionists on the subject of the Aktion Reinhard camps, in a reprise of the 2005 RODOH debate on Auschwitz. In 2006, several of the authors of the present work had been involved in refuting the 'One Third of the Holocaust' video at the Holocaust Controversies blog, a refutation that had gone unanswered from the Revisionist side.
The following link includes books, websites, transcripts, and additional historical resources documenting the Holocaust, using both firsthand and academic sources.
View on Google Docs by clicking here.
None of these are affiliate links.
Description: “Nazi Ecology” deconstructs the anti-Semitic historical background of the early German green movement of the 19th century which was absorbed by National Socialism that became the foundation for biological Anti-Semitism in the 20th century. While many have decried the industrial nature of the Holocaust, such views cannot explain the motive behind the greatest crime of the 20th century. Nazi racism was foreshadowed by the Social Darwinism of German Romanticism in the 1800’s that laid the ecological foundations for what is otherwise known today as environmentalism.
Description: Radical movements are feeding on anxiety about immigration, globalization and the refugee crisis, giving rise to new waves of nationalism and surges of white supremacism. A curious mixture of Aristocratic paganism, anti-Semitic demonology, Eastern philosophies and the occult is influencing populist antigovernment sentiment and helping to exploit the widespread fear that invisible elites are shaping world events.
Description: The Final Solution, first published in 1953, is an authoritative account of the Nazi's systematic plan to exterminate Jews (and other groups) in the 1930s until the end of World War II in 1945. The book traces the beginnings of the Holocaust and the Nazi pogroms against the Jews-the Nuremburg Laws, the Week of Broken Glass, the ghettos and deportations-to the extermination camps and gas chambers of Auschwitz, and Nazi actions throughout Russia, western Europe and the Balkans.
Description: No other powerful empire ever bequeathed such mountains of evidence about its birth and destruction as the Third Reich. When the bitter war was over, and before the Nazis could destroy their files, the Allied demand for unconditional surrender produced an almost hour-by-hour record of the nightmare empire built by Adolph Hitler. This record included the testimony of Nazi leaders and of concentration camp inmates, the diaries of officials, transcripts of secret conferences, army orders, private letters—all the vast paperwork behind Hitler's drive to conquer the world.
Description: Ordinary Men is the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as round-ups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but, rather, ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions.
“The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom (262 pages, 1971)
Description: Corrie ten Boom was a Dutch watchmaker who became a heroine of the Resistance, a survivor of Hitler's concentration camps, and one of the most remarkable evangelists of the twentieth century. In World War II she and her family risked their lives to help Jews and underground workers escape from the Nazis, and for their work they were tested in the infamous Nazi death camps. Only Corrie among her family survived to tell the story of how faith ultimately triumphs over evil.
“The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939–1945” - by Saul Friedlander (908 pages, 2008 Pulitzer Prize Winner)
Description: The Years of Extermination, the completion of Saul Friedländer's major historical opus on Nazi Germany and the Jews, explores the convergence of the various aspects of the Holocaust, the most systematic and sustained of modern genocides. The enactment of the German extermination policies that resulted in the murder of six million European Jews depended upon many factors, including the cooperation of local authorities and police departments, and the passivity of the populations, primarily of their political and spiritual elites. Necessary also was the victims' willingness to submit, often with the hope of surviving long enough to escape the German vise.
“Survival in Auschwitz: A Memoir” - by Primo Levi (187 pages; 1947 updated edition 1996)
Description: In 1943, Primo Levi, a twenty-five-year-old chemist and “Italian citizen of Jewish race,” was arrested by Italian fascists and deported from his native Turin to Auschwitz. Survival in Auschwitz is Levi’s classic account of his ten months in the German death camp, a harrowing story of systematic cruelty and miraculous endurance. Remarkable for its simplicity, restraint, compassion, and even wit, Survival in Auschwitz remains a lasting testament to the indestructibility of the human spirit. Included in this new edition is an illuminating conversation between Philip Roth and Primo Levi never before published in book form.
“The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party” - Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams - FREE PDF + VIDEOS
Description: Before the LGBT movement hijacked the rainbow, its symbol was the pink triangle – part of a long-term propaganda campaign started in the 1970s to fabricate a “Gay Holocaust” equating homosexuals with Jews under Nazism. In 1995, The Pink Swastika successfully debunked that effort by exposing a massive trove of documentation on the homosexual roots (and continuing control) of the Nazi Party. The pink triangle symbol and campaign were soon largely abandoned and The Pink Swastika became one of the most hated and censored books in history by the leftist elites. Authors Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams’ impressive achievement has become a “cult classic” for conservatives and is “must” reading for anyone wanting to know the true story of Nazi and Pre-Nazi Germany, where the LGBT movement first began.
“Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields” - by Wendy Lower (288 pages, 2014)
Description: Lower, drawing on twenty years of archival research and fieldwork, presents startling evidence that these women were more than “desk murderers” or comforters of murderous German men: they went on “shopping sprees” and romantic outings to the Jewish ghettos; they were present at killing-field picnics, not only providing refreshment but also shooting Jews. And Lower uncovers the stories of SS wives with children of their own whose brutality is as chilling as any in history.
“Hitler’s Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich” - by Eric Kurlander (448, 2018)
Description: The Nazi fascination with the occult is legendary, yet today it is often dismissed as Himmler’s personal obsession or wildly overstated for its novelty. Preposterous though it was, however, supernatural thinking was inextricable from the Nazi project. The regime enlisted astrology and the paranormal, paganism, Indo-Aryan mythology, witchcraft, miracle weapons, and the lost kingdom of Atlantis in reimagining German politics and society and recasting German science and religion.
Description: Published in 1995, Unholy Alliance was the first book in English on the subject of Nazi occultism to be based on the captured Nazi archives themselves, as well as on the author’s personal investigations and interviews, often conducted under dangerous conditions. The book attracted the attention of historians and journalists the world over and has been translated into six languages.
“Into That Darkness: An Examination of Conscience” - by Gitta Sereny (379 pages, 1983)
Description: Based on 70 hours of interviews with Franz Stangl, commandant of Treblinka (the largest of the five Nazi extermination camps), this book bares the soul of a man who continually found ways to rationalize his role in Hitler's final solution.
Description: This gruesomely sentimental and unmistakably authentic title introduces an disturbing collection of photographs, diaries, letters home, and confidential reports created by the executioners and sympathetic observers of the Holocaust. "The Good Old Days" reveals startling new evidence of the inhumanity of recent twentieth century history and is published now as yet another irrefutable response to the revisionist historians who claim to doubt the historic truth of the Holocaust.
Description: Hitler's anti-semitic obsession stems from his fascination with an enormously influential literary forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Warrant for Genocide sets the story of the Protocols within the broader context of the history of anti-semitism-a key book for understanding the murderous folly of the twentieth century.
Description: As part of his strategy to secure a “1,000-year Reich,” Hitler sought to convince the German people to believe in Nazism so they would perpetuate it permanently and actively shun those who were out of step with society. When widespread public dissent occurred at home—which most often happened when policies conflicted with popular traditions or encroached on private life—Hitler made careful calculations and acted strategically to maintain his popular image.
“Hitler's Cross: How the Cross Was Used to Promote the Nazi Agenda” - by Erwin Lutzer (2016, 272 pages)
Description: When Germany truly needed a savior, Adolf Hitler falsely assumed the role. He directed his countrymen to a cross, but he bent and hammered the true cross into a horrific substitute: a swastika. Where was the church through all of this? With a few exceptions, the German church looked away while Hitler inflicted his “Final Solution” upon the Jews.
Additional Books:
“The Swastika Against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity” by Bruce Walker
“Lucifer's Court: A Heretic's Journey in Search of the Light Bringers” by Otto Rahn
“Modern Fascism: Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview” - by Gene Edward Veith
“Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich” - by Guido Preparata
“National Socialism and the Religion of Nature” by Robert A. Pois
“Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse” by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn - FREE
“The Green and the Brown: A History of Conservation in Nazi Germany” by Frank Uekoetter
“Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning” by Timothy Snyder
Twitter Resources
Thread from Jon Harris of Conversations That Matter
Assorted Images
Credit to
Defending “Hitler’s Table Talk:
Multiple sources corroborating statements from “Hitler’s Table Talk”
Otto Wagener stating that Hitler denied the resurrection of Christ:
“How Could the Holocaust Have Happened?” Dr. Timothy Snyder (2013)
“Makeshift Murder: The Holocaust at its Peak - Peter Hayes”
USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research
Prof. Christopher Browning, Hitler and Decisions for the Final Solution
Western Galilee College: Holocaust Studies Program
Hitler and the Decisions for the Final Solution: Christopher Browning
What Hitler Believed About Christianity & Jesus | With Dr. Richard Weikart - by Method Ministries
High Hitler! - Nazis on Crystal Meth Part 1 - WW2 SPECIAL
Blitzkrieg on Speed - Nazis on Crystal Meth Part 2 - WW2 SPECIAL
Hermann Göring, the Stoned Nazi Nut - Doped WW2 Leaders Part 1
Carl Jung's Breakdown of Hitler's Psychology - by Uberboyo
“Carl Jung's Analysis: Deciphering Hitler's Mass Influence” - by Conscientia
The Socialism of National Socialism - A Rant - by the Rageaholic
(Contains adult language and humor)
For lack of wood the fire goes out,
and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.
As charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire,
so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife.
The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels;
they go down into the inner parts of the body.
Like the glaze covering an earthen vessel
are fervent lips with an evil heart.
Whoever hates disguises himself with his lips
and harbors deceit in his heart;
when he speaks graciously, believe him not,
for there are seven abominations in his heart;
though his hatred be covered with deception,
his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it,
and a stone will come back on him who starts it rolling.
A lying tongue hates its victims,
and a flattering mouth works ruin.
— Proverbs 26:20-28
Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened,
That it cannot save;
Nor His ear heavy,
That it cannot hear.
But your iniquities have separated you from your God;
And your sins have hidden His face from you,
So that He will not hear.
For your hands are defiled with blood,
And your fingers with iniquity;
Your lips have spoken lies,
Your tongue has muttered perversity.
No one calls for justice,
Nor does any plead for truth.
They trust in empty words and speak lies;
They conceive evil and bring forth iniquity.
They hatch vipers’ eggs and weave the spider’s web;
He who eats of their eggs dies,
And from that which is crushed a viper breaks out.
Their webs will not become garments,
Nor will they cover themselves with their works;
Their works are works of iniquity,
And the act of violence is in their hands.
Their feet run to evil,
And they make haste to shed innocent blood;
Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity;
Wasting and destruction are in their paths.
The way of peace they have not known,
And there is no justice in their ways;
They have made themselves crooked paths;
Whoever takes that way shall not know peace.
— Isaiah 59:1-9
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Nobody needs this. Holocaust denial is a red herring that only has cache on the fringes of the online right (and nowhere else) because the Holocaust has been used as an excuse to anathematize, and in Europe effectively outlaw, right-wing/traditional Christian thought. You are not helping by joining the overwhelming majority against this tiny right-wing minority, especially when some of the material like the silly “Nazis were actually leftist” garbage you’ve included on this post is obvious regime propaganda. The way to pull people away from Holocaust Denialism is simple: make sensible, serious content and don’t punch right.