Nobody needs this. Holocaust denial is a red herring that only has cache on the fringes of the online right (and nowhere else) because the Holocaust has been used as an excuse to anathematize, and in Europe effectively outlaw, right-wing/traditional Christian thought. You are not helping by joining the overwhelming majority against this tiny right-wing minority, especially when some of the material like the silly “Nazis were actually leftist” garbage you’ve included on this post is obvious regime propaganda. The way to pull people away from Holocaust Denialism is simple: make sensible, serious content and don’t punch right.

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Sep 12Liked by Will Spencer

Also, NAZIs were leftists. They were National Socialists who believed that if the state were racially pure the citizens would be more apt to view eachother as family and as such you could create a comprehensive welfare state, enable full employment and minimize the free rider problem.

And it almost worked. The took o the world and nearly won. The problem is that they made the state their god. As Christians we should pay to Caesar what is Caesar and to God what is God’s… but when we give the the state that which we should reserve for God…. That is the fast track to hell.

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I get in arguments with men when I say that the creation of the Jewish state of Israel, funded with American blood and treasure, was not the proper response of a Christian country to the tragedy of the Holocaust. Evangelism as an attitude was abandoned, probably because Christians didn’t understand Germany WASN’T Christian at the time, and that was a historical error Dr. Musser and I are trying to remedy.

I would add one thing that Germany did not come close to winning. American military historians will talk about how the war was probably over in 1942. Higher ups in the German military like Rommel could see it as early as then. He was a staunch fighter loyal to his country and so kept going. But it was clear in some ways as early as then, that the early victories couldn’t be followed up with a sustainable campaign.

One reason for that was Germany’s hypernationalism. They insisted they were the superior race and refused to interact with the rest of the “Jewish” world economically. Everything had to be produced at home. They simply didn’t have the might to take on the world, no matter what they thought of themselves. And Dr. Musser’s book reveals that by hating Jews they shot themselves in the foot, creating a real brain drain that enabled the US to win long-term, since those great minds came here to aid the war effort.

But again, without a Christian evangelistic spirit other influences flowed in as well. That was our error. The way to remedy it, however, is not trying what Germany did. Instead we have to rediscover our Christian fighting spirit and fight bad influences with the Word of God not the sword. Naturally that requires a bit more on behalf of men, which is what makes it unpopular.

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And one more thing, regardless of how ill-informed it was for a Christian nation to form Israel as a Jewish state, Israel is there now. Anger at it won’t make it go away. We have to live with our fathers’ bad decisions in many ways, placing a double burden on us for maintaining a Christian spiritual character in the face of challenging material circumstances.

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Sep 12Liked by Will Spencer

I joined just to reply. I agree with you if what you mean to say is the current wave of denialism is not organic. I have noticed that we are seeing a lot of such content: meme-able, memorable, yet refutable. The right wing (courtesy of the evangelicals) has always been staunchly pro-Israel yet now is finally starting to waver. This wave of denialism is the perfect setup. I fear we are poised for an epic crackdown on free speech in order to re-consolidate American support behind the STATE of Israel.

I personally view this as a sinful false god. There is a very important difference between Christian friendship to our Jewish brethren and offering slavish devotion for a foreign STATE. I pray for their safety and for conversions. I pray for peace and reconciliation. I do not support a blank check to remake the entire Middle East for their benefit. This is precisely what happened post-9/11 at the behest of Evangelical, Jewish, and Defense Contractor think tank bros at the Project for a New American Century.

In short, denialism is being seeded as a perfect trap in order to stifle free speech and re-assert establishment narratives. Then any criticism of the STATE of Israel can be squashed as “antisemitism” and/or “hate speech”.

I don’t think enough truly understand the grave danger we are all in.

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You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Maybe watch this first.


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